us & our ethics

The only ethical decision is to take responsability for our own existence and that of our children's.

EKŌGAIO is a collective whose vocation is to facilitate the realization of projects in a holistic agro-regenerative approach, respecting strong ecological and economic principles.

Become resilient and move from an economy of scarcity to an economy of abundance, designing sustainable, autonomous and productive ecosystems… These are the challenges that we have faced for years on different continents, and that we have accomplished with EkōGaio in 2020 in Portugal.

Guided by the permaculture ethics, we design sustainable solutions to answer to our clients' needs.

Earth care

Care for all living and non-living things : soils, species and their varieties, atmosphere, forests, micro-habitats, animals and waters.

People care

Provide to people the access of the resources necessary for their existence, in order to fulfill their basic needs for food, shelter, education, satisfying employment and convivial human contact.

Fair share

By governing our own needs, living within limits and consciously co-creating, we can create surplus resources to further the other permaculture ethics.


Permaculture is a holistic design system for creating sustainable human settlements and food production systems. It is a movement concerned with sustainable, environmentally sound land use and the building of stable communities, through the harmonious interrelationship of humans, plants, animals and the Earth.

our team


After working for a decade in an internationally renowned research center in waste management, and in the differentiated management of a 200-hectare wooded and landscaped park, Géraldine set out on a quest for an eco-responsible lifestyle.

Already passionate by nature since she was young, she leaves during several years around the world, aspiring to do something meaningful, to search for virtuous practices in permaculture, regenerative agriculture, self-sufficiency, food security and to develop her skills on eco-construction.

After co-creating an eco-place project, then co-managed a family farm in Portugal for 3 years, she is now a regenerative and edible landscape designer and gardener.

Géraldine also campaigns for the protection and reintroduction of wild animals.


Social, tolerant, inspiring and multilingual, Bruno is an ever-expanding box of ideas and tools. Born in Portugal, he grew up in Switzerland and spent many years working for the International Red Cross. 

Passionate about social and ecological justice, he found in permaculture a new way of life, and even more, the path of transition to become the ever-student who he is now, graduating from world experts in permaculture and regenerative agriculture.

As a designer and facilitator, he has been collaborating on many international projects, while living in intentional communities and educational centres. Bruno has been developing transformation initiatives and given courses in several land projects around the world.

He mainly works and shares his knowledges in food forestry, syntropic agriculture, agroforestry, holistic management, permaculture design, water management, soil restoration, and integral consulting. 

A joint ADventure with our partners