edible landscape design

If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant trees. If your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.

CONFUCIUS, chinese philosopher

Our site is under constructioN !



Our services of design, implementation, training, advising and consultancy are aimed at people or entities, private or public, such as individuals, farmers, associations or even local authorities.

The complete analysis of your land provides all the basic information to carry out a project design.
Essential to start a sustainable project and avoid mistakes, saving time, energy and resources. 

We also offer a pre-purchase evaluation service.

We design and plan a realistic project by proposing solutions adapted to your choices and budget.
We create the agro-regenerative / permaculture design of your place at any scale.

We realize and coordonate the implementation of your design. 
We manage the site preparation, the monitoring of earthworks, the land marking, the planting work, the maintenance, the follow-up of the project.

We can facilitate any type of educational event for you and your clients, using participatory tools and methods from non-formal education. Conceptual and practical courses, workshops, internships, conferences, seminars, etc. 

What our clients say

Une terre à l’abandon à régénérer. Comment m’y prendre ?
Géraldine et Bruno sont arrivés avec amitié, connaissances, sourires, professionnalisme, authentique engagement et immense savoir-faire. Une terre aride qui revit et se verdit, des arbres qui s’épanouissent, un verger en plein essor, un potager nourricier, des composts dynamiques, une esthétique harmonieuse, bref, une philosophie ET une pédagogie à l’œuvre. Un infini merci à vous deux mes radieux permaculteurs et à EKŌGAIO !

To find a real permaculture designer is like finding a real sadhu in India. They say there, that for every 10,000 men, there is one real sacred man. When you understand what means the regeneration of our planet, you can easily recognize what is precious. EKŌGAIO does an incredible job of regeneration that creates abundance, that transforms an arid and suffering land into a forest, where singing birds and wildlife are at home. Gratitude for creating prosperity in harmony with nature.

Our last events

European Permaculture Convergence

Celebrating Permaculture! Inspiration for a positive future! An exciting series of projects, experts and networks will be presented at the first online permaculture conference (EUPC)

From October 8th to 17th 2021

 #regenerative agriculture #youth & resilient communities #EUPC

WORKSHOP - Permaculture and regenerative agriculture

Dive into the pillars of permaculture and discover how to recreate a rich and healthy ecosystem through an interactive experience, mixing theory and practice. 

From November 19th to 22nd 2021

#regenerative agriculture #mediterranean orchard #Waking Life

WORKSHOP - Windbreak Planning Design

Learn how to design and implement a windbreak and a firebreak in a deforestation context. Those are essential shields for a property as they reduce the risk of soil erosion, increase crop yields and protect livestock from heat and cold, and much more.

 From November 27th to 29th 2021

#windbreak #firebreak #fuelbreak #shaded fuel break #Waking Life

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